The Old Smithy Review

The Old Smithy

Address: High St, Godshill, Ventnor PO38 3HZ, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1983 840364

Hours: Daily 10:00am – 4:00pm


Overall: 5/5

Cleanliness/Ambiance: 5/5

Customer Service: 5/5

Kid/Family Friendly: 5/5

Accessibility: 5/5


The Old Smithy in Godshill, Isle of Wight, is a delightful destination featuring lovely gardens and quaint shops. Visitors can browse a selection of unique gifts, including pottery and glassware, and savor homemade pastries and light meals in the inviting coffee shop. It’s an ideal spot to find a special gift and unwind in a picturesque environment.

Finding It

We had been staying in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight for a little over a month before we found this gem! We had spent the day at the Donkey Sanctuary, and afterwards we took the bus to Godshill. It is a very cute and small town, filled with thatch roofed houses. We came across a cute little shop, and were completely floored when we entered.

To read more about the Donkey Sanctuary, read our review here!

Getting There

We went into the cute gift shop first. They offer a lot of cute items. Everything would have made the perfect gift for someone! We noticed an open door towards the back of the store and it opened up to this beautiful lush garden. The gentleman working explained we could go walk around. This was one of the highlights of the day! The garden is filled with gnomes, fairies, miniature houses, and glass windows depicting different fairy scenes! There is a fish pond and a little house that has old pictures of the town and explains the history. Everything is so detailed and cute! 

There was another gift shop out in the middle of the gardens where I bought the most delicious smelling lotion! All of the items for sale are original, decently priced and of great quality. I thought this would be a quick trip into a gift shop, and it ended up being a 2 hour adventure! Beautiful spot to enjoy the day. Unfortunately we didn’t get the chance to enjoy the cafe, but that just means we’ll have to come back!

I highly recommend visiting here if you are in the area. You could easily plan a whole day in the area.

Customer Service/ Kid Friendliness:

All of the staff we encountered were very friendly and helpful. They all knew the history of the town very well, and answered all of our questions! 

This is also a great place to bring a child. There is so much to see and discover in the garden, it would definitely keep your child occupied for a while! There are also cute gifts for kids in the gift shops. 


The Old Smithy is very easy to get to. We took the bus and it dropped us off only a few steps away. There is also a free car park in the center of town that is hard to miss!


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