Pamplona, Spain

Greetings from Pamplona, Spain! Pamplona, Spain is a cute little city in Northern Spain. It is the capital of the Navarre community, and home to the San Fermin festival. Aka, the running of the bulls. How We Got There We arrived in Pamplona, Spain by a quick 1 hour train ride from San Sebastian. Leaving […]

San Sebastian, Spain

Kaixo (hello) from Basque Country!  Arriving to the Donostia-San Sebastian Train Station   Getting off the train in San Sebastian, Spain, I had no idea what I was walking into. We planned our world trip so quickly, that I had little time to research every single place on our list. I would touch on each […]

Barcelona, Spain

Hola from Barcelona, Spain! Welcome to Bar(the)lona! We woke up in Gava Mar, which is about 20 minutes from Barcelona, Spain,  called a cab and were on our way! Ask a local! At first we didn’t know where to start, so what better way to see a new city than to ask a local. Chatting […]

Gava Mar, Spain

Breakfast in Gava, Spain

Our Experience- We made it! Welcome to Gava Mar, Spain! A cute beach town on the outskirts of Barcelona, and the first official stop of our Seth and Sara World Tour 2018. We chose to visit Gava Mar, Spain first because of its lazy beach town vibes we’d been reading about. We wanted somewhere to go […]