Greetings from Pamplona, Spain!
Pamplona, Spain is a cute little city in Northern Spain. It is the capital of the Navarre community, and home to the San Fermin festival. Aka, the running of the bulls.
Running with the bulls statue in the middle of town
Arrival in Pamplona, Spain
Our journey to Pamplona, Spain, began with a quick one-hour train ride from San Sebastián. Upon arriving at the train station, we hailed a cab that took us to our only hostel during our world excursion. Due to the high demand for accommodations during the festival, we secured a stay at a local school that rented out its dorms for the summer. Opting for a “family”-style room ensured privacy, making it a budget-friendly yet comfortable choice. The dorm was clean, the beds were cozy, and we had our own private bathroom. Knowing we had an unforgettable experience ahead, we took it easy for the rest of the day to ensure we were well-rested.
The Morning of the San Fermín Festival
4 AM: Ready to Go!
We set our alarms for 3 AM to start getting ready. While there is no strict dress code, attendees traditionally wear all-white outfits paired with a red scarf and sash to honor the festival’s customs. Dressed accordingly, we headed out to catch the shuttle. The streets were already packed with people, many of whom were celebrating with drinks in hand. It was hard to tell if they were just starting their night or continuing from the previous day! The atmosphere was electric, with crowds singing, cheering, and making their way toward the main event.
Learning the Rules of the Run
They survived!
A few days before the festival, Seth discovered that some of his friends were also attending. What a coincidence! We met up with them, found a good spot, and anxiously awaited the event to begin. Runners were guided inside the wooden barrier to receive instructions. However, since I was wearing a dress, I was not permitted to run. Additionally, participants were not allowed to carry anything in their hands or pockets, so I became the group’s designated bag holder. Security personnel meticulously checked each runner, ensuring all belongings, including phones and cameras, were placed outside the fence. The excitement was palpable as the anticipation built.
Running with the Bulls
The energy in the air was indescribable. Spectators leaned out of windows and packed onto balconies, eagerly awaiting the start. Just moments before the run, an eerie silence swept through the crowd. Then—”BOOM!”—the rockets fired, signaling the start. In the distance, the sound of pounding hooves grew louder. Some participants took off immediately, while others waited until the bulls were nearly upon them.
From my vantage point, I spotted Seth and his friends in the midst of the crowd. As soon as they saw the first set of horns, they sprinted forward. I held my breath, hoping they would make it safely to the end. As the bulls thundered past, some sprinted, while others casually trotted. The ground trembled beneath them. Surprisingly, most injuries were caused by people tripping over one another rather than direct encounters with the bulls. I rushed to find our group, relieved to see them unharmed—though some had traces of someone else’s blood on them. What an intense experience!
What Comes After the Race?
Following the run, the celebrations continued with drinks and festivities. We noticed a large crowd heading toward a stadium, and a friend explained that this was where bullfighting took place. Unaware of this tradition, Seth and I were taken aback. As passionate animal lovers, we were deeply uncomfortable with the idea of the bulls being harmed after the run. Had we known beforehand, we might have reconsidered attending. While we respect cultural traditions, we couldn’t bring ourselves to witness this part of the festival.
Despite our mixed feelings, we were grateful for the opportunity to experience such a historic event. The rush of adrenaline, the unity among attendees, and the sheer excitement of it all were unforgettable. Every culture has its light and dark sides, and traveling allows us to see and learn from both. This journey is about stepping out of our comfort zones, experiencing the world firsthand, and gaining a deeper understanding of different traditions.
Next stop: Paris!