La Casa della Pizza, Sicily, Italy – Review

port Messina, Sicily, Italy

Messina, Sicily, Italy We were visiting Messina via a cruise and knew before we got here that we needed to find the best pizza ever. Pizza in Sicily, Italy?! Of course! After reading so many reviews, where almost every restaurant in the area gets a little bit of good and bad ratings, we decided on […]

Il Bottegone, Florence, Italy – Restaurant Review

the Duomo in Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy Restaurant While on a family trip to Florence, Italy, we were in search of some high quality food, without spending our life savings, and somewhere with a view of the Piazza del Duomo. We read a lot of reviews and researched a ton of restaurants on the train ride in before coming up […]

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy Ciao from Venezia! After a lovely 3 hour train ride, we have arrived in Venice, Italy. As soon as you exit the Santa Lucia station, you are welcomed by the beautiful Venetian Lagoon and the Grand Canal. Water taxis and the water boat, or the “vaporetto”, are docked out front waiting for business. […]

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy Buongiorno from Florence, Italy! Florence. Oh Florence, Italy. Our sleeper city. This place surprised us the most out of any other country we have ever been to. Most likely because we did not know much about it. We knew it was where Machiavelli was from. The end. I’m not even sure I looked […]

Pisa, Italy

Pisa, Italy  Buon Pomeriggio from Pisa, Italy! We arrived in Pisa, Italy after a 4 hour train ride from Rome. The Italian countryside is breathtaking. I was planning on getting in a nap on the ride over, but I couldn’t stop staring out the window. Vineyards and small towns dotted the green hills. Every day […]