About Us

About Us

Hi! We’re Seth, Sara, and Millie.

We are a family of three who love learning new things through traveling. We believe that traveling is not only fun but also educational. It teaches us about different cultures, languages, cuisines and ways of life. 


We started this travel blog to share our adventures with other families who want to explore the world with their kids. We write about our experiences discovering new places, eating local delicacies, and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Our travel style is flexible and adventurous. We like to mix up luxury and budget options depending on the destination. We also like to try different types of transportation and accommodations. We are always open to new challenges and opportunities.

Our goal for this travel blog is to inspire other families to travel with less hesitation. We hope to show that traveling with kids is not only possible but rewarding. We also want to share our tips and tricks on how to plan family trips that are fun for everyone.

If you like our travel blog, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube where we post more photos and videos of our travels.

In the event you are looking for other travel content, here are a couple of resources you should check out that we have been featured on:

Travel Blog Resources:





Our Story

We’re the Lawyers.

No. We are not actual lawyers but maybe someday there will be!

 I’m Sara. I was born and raised in a small town in Western New York.  I am very lucky to have had an amazing childhood. I was very close with my family and we lived in a small community where everyone knew everyone. Small town bliss. I will forever be grateful to my parents for the values they’ve instilled in me and for making me the person I am today. They are my very best friends. 

When I was 15 we moved to Southern California. Relocating a teenager is no easy feat. I fought it for a long time, but eventually I let myself love my new home.

After high school, I went to culinary school. It was the hardest/most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. It taught me serious focus and dedication, and showed me that food is more than just something you consume to survive. It’s art. It’s beautiful. It affects your soul. I have been cooking and eating my way through Orange County, CA ever since. 


Seth and I have been coexisting since 2009. We met in Costa Mesa, California. He was going to school, mastering in the art of “jack of all trades.” I had just graduated culinary school and was working in a fancy Laguna Beach restaurant. We were neighbors and instantly hit it off. A few weeks later he moved in. And that was that. When you know, you know right?


Seth has always had a love for travel. He was born in Weisbaden, West Germany on a military base. He then moved to New York, then on to California where he was raised. He has an unquenched thirst for knowledge. One of the first things he ever said to me was that if he could, he would go to school for the rest of his life. He wanted to take every class the college offered. He has a love for our planet, and a drive to protect it. Constantly coming up with new ideas and new ways to become more eco-friendly. He has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever known, and his love for family, travel, and knowledge is what keeps this family going. 


He finally settled into banking and finance. You will be able to see through the years of pictures what sitting and eating at your desk for 10+ hours a day will do to a person!

In 2017 we went to Jamaica where Seth proposed. Finally! This trip is where the travel bug bit me. And it bit me real hard. We started to plan said wedding, but after seeing the numbers of how much a small, simple wedding in California cost, we almost puked. All of that money for a few hours of fun, and THEN the rest of your life starts? Nah. We decided to use that money to backpack around the world. THEN, we would feel more comfortable with “starting” the rest of our lives. 

What an adventure we had. Which you can read about in the posts titled “Our Experience”. We decided to write about our general experiences as a way for our friends and family to follow along, and so I will always have a place to come back to read about them when time starts to fade those memories.


As soon as we got home from this trip, we found out we were pregnant! And along came our little Millie Atlas Lawyer. She has been the biggest blessing to this family, and to all that know her. 

We had planned on traveling with Millie as soon as possible, but due to covid, and our family experiencing a series of unfortunate events (maybe we should change our name to the Snickets’?), we were forced to hunker down and ride it out. And surprise, surprise, we made it out alive! Barely. We sure are resilient.

Having a child makes you see the world a lot differently. Watching the news and hearing about kidnapping, bullying, violence, school shootings, the list goes on..I just can’t imagine sending Millie out into the world. I never thought that I would be questioning sending my child to school because it is no longer considered a safe space.


After a lot of consideration, we decided to embark on a journey of “world schooling.” We want to show her different cultures, different foods, and different religions. Our hope is that she will be accepting and tolerant of all walks of life. I want to show her the world in hopes it makes it easier for her to find her place among us. And learn a bunch of cool stuff along the way.